Demonstration: Wednesday 9 @ Exhibit Annex Table 3
Round 1/6: Wednesday @ 11 - Ski Lodge First Tracks Poolside
Quarterfinal/Semifinal: Thursday @ 9 - Ski Lodge First Tracks Poolside
Final: Friday @ 9 - Ski Lodge First Tracks Poolside |
Once again we had an enjoyable showing last year with the return of our French friends and the introduction of several new players to the tournament. We hope to see that trend continue in our 2016 venue. We will keep the same format as last year with three preliminary rounds with eight advancing to the quarterfinals and strict start times allowing everyone to schedule their trip to WBC. We will have primary scenarios in each preliminary round but will have alternate scenarios available. If, after pairings have been announced, both players agree to switch to the alternate scenario then the change can be made for that pairing. Stonewall Jackson's Way II, Battle Above the Clouds, and Grant Takes Command are the only games necessary to bring. We will also have a number of tournament copies of both SJWII and BAC available for play as well as a few copies of GTC.
Swiss Elimination Qualifying Day
Learn the mechanics of the system from some of the best players. Try out a brief scenario: "An End to Innocence" from All Green Alike. This will then be the game in the first tournament round.
Note for An End to Innocence we will be using slightly revised victory conditions after analysis of unbalanced results over the past few years.
Round 1: An End to Innocence (AGA #4), [Alternate: Crossing Chickamauga Creek (BAC #2)]
Round 2: Bag the Whole Crowd (SJW II #6), [Alternate: McDowell's Opportunity (AGA #3)]
Round 3: The Battle of the Wilderness (GTC #1), [Alternate: McLemore's Cove (BAC #1)]
Elimination Rounds
Quarterfinal: Sheridan Rides South (GTC #5), [Alternate: Jackson’s March (SJW II #4)]
Semifinal: McLemore's Cove (BAC #1)
Final: Battle of Chickamauga (BAC #3)
For An End to Innocence, add the following victory condition
+1VP for each Union Division that ends the game with two brigades (not regiments - so 4-V Division is not eligible) in the area defined as follows:
• From Gainesville and East (hex column 34xx or higher)
• South of line formed by Bull Run and the Unfinished Railroad
• North of Cedar Run
Games not completed by the start time of the next round are subject to adjudication by the GM and his assistants.
Bidding for sides: Players must bid for sides. First, players secretly select the side they want by placing a Confederate or Union counter in their hand. If players pick opposite sides, play proceeds with no VP modifier. If players pick the same side, roll dice to determine the first bidder. Players then bid VPs until a player passes. That bid becomes the VP modifier for the game.
Pairings: Round 1 pairings will be made at random. Round 2 & 3 pairings will be random among players with identical records. In all preliminary rounds, we will ensure no two players meet more than once.
Advancement: Players who win at least two preliminary games will be eligible to advance. We will strive to advance eight players to the quarterfinals. The quarterfinal round will be seeded first based on total preliminary wins, and then points. Typically two wins and you will advance.
Points: Players receive points each time they win. No points are awarded for a loss. Points are given to the winner by taking the loser's AREA rating and multiplying by the scenario multiplier (longer scenarios have higher multipliers)
Scenario Multipliers:
Round 1 - 1.0
Round 2 - 1.2
Round 3 - 1.4