Top GM | Trial Events | Membership Drive | Policy Changes | Sportsmanship Nominees | Convention Format Changes |
| WAM | GM Reservations | BOD Nominations | Board Actions | Euro Coordination | PBEM
TUCKER NAMED BPA GM OF THE YEAR: Stuart Tucker bested Ed Beach, by seven points, leaving Ed in the bridesmaid position for the second year in a row in the annual BPA GM of the Year vote. The Hannibal GM will receive free lodging at WBC 2011 in gratitude for his service. Overall, scores ranged from Stuart’s 76 to a low of 17 for the 12 nominees. The Board’s eight first-place votes were split among six nominees. Taking his fourth Top Six nomination with one of those first place votes was Ed Beach, who garnered a score of 69 for hosting Here I Stand, with extra consideration for his work in the Juniors room and the Great Campaigns event. Marc Houde garnered his first Top Six honors to finish third with 63 points for hosting Robo Rally. Rounding out the remainder of our Top Six GMs were John Weber (Puerto Rico) and Claire Brosius (Ticket to Ride) with identical scores of 57, and Larry Lingle whose decoration of the Marietta Room transformed it into a veritable Pirates of the Caribbean ride was good enough for a score of 56, as Cap’n Larry drew 100 cutthroats to Pirate’s Cove. Well done all. Our sincere thanks to you and all others like you who try to make WBC a little more special every year. For more details see
Stuart Tucker
WBC GM of the Year
2010 |
Ed Beach
Nominee 2010 |
Marc Houde
Nominee 2010 |
John Weber
Nominee 2010 |
Claire Brosius
Nominee 2010 |
Larry Lingle
Nominee 2010 |
WBC TRIAL EVENTS ANNOUNCED: BPA thanks its members for their participation in the voting process during the 2011 Membership Drive which determined this year's 25 Continuing Trial events. The selected
events are now eligible for inclusion in WBC 2011 upon receipt of a
suitable event form by Feb. 28 from a current BPA member willing to
serve as the GM. Events for which no such GM commitment is
forthcoming will be replaced by BPA from those on the Alternate list.
Vendors and sponsors may also select events from the Alternate list or
altogether different events provided they have a GM commitment. To be
added to the Alternate list, an event must have an event form
submitted by a current member acting as the GM.

Battleline once again led all candidates. In addition, A House
Divided made good its return after a six-year absence by again being voted back into the fold for 2011. The big winner was GMT which won
admission for all nine of its events on the ballot; six returnees and
three new games. The hard luck losers of the vote were Goa and Tikal which fell just beneath the cut after seven- and 11-year runs
respectively. Other veteran events failing to make the cutoff included
War of 1812 (12 years), Republic of Rome (20 years) and Tyranno Ex (17
years). View the current WBC 2011 lineup on the Orphans Page, which
will be updated weekly between now and March when GM submissions end.
The complete voting results are available at
Vendors/Sponsors are likewise reminded to submit or authorize their
2011 Trial Events by Feb 28. We also are in need of a few Juniors
events and Seminar speakers. Contact us with any suggestions for same.

WAM IX ALMOST HERE: The new Washington's War headlines a quartet of
CDW tournaments including Hannibal, Combat Commander and Twilight
Struggle which will be offered for the four day-conference in addition
to the usual slate of Open Gaming opportunities. For more information
on the Jan. 27–30 convention to be held in the Timonium, MD
Holiday Inn, see
GM RESERVATIONS: All WBC GMs are reminded that their "reservations" for events they ran in 2010 expired on Jan. 1. To retain GM
status of your event, you must submit a new event form at and renew your membership. Many events are currently listed as OPEN
on the Orphans List for lack of a GM's commitment. Those in Pre-Con
slots will lose that status if a GM is not forthcoming soon. See the
current lineup and GM vacancies at
QUEEN GAMES AT WBC: BPA is pleased to announce the sponsorship of a
major European games publisher at WBC in 2011. The publisher of
Alhambra and Chicago Express among many others will be hosting a major
dedicated demonstration area similar to Cafe Jay to introduce their
extensive game line to an American audience. To get an advance peek at
their games see or check out their link in
our Exhibitor section whenever visiting our home page. We are
currently looking for volunteers to GM events for three of their
titles this summer: Chicago Express, Fresco and Samarkand.
2010 PATRONS: The BPA's list of 2010 Patrons is now posted at Please report any inaccuracies to no later than Jan. 31 to ensure an accurate listing in the upcoming Yearbook.
BoD NOMINATIONS: All BPA members are hereby notified of their right to
nominate members for the three Board seats whose terms expire at the
next WBC. To appear on the ballot, members must be nominated in
writing by at least three members including themselves. Nominations
must be signed and received at BPA, 1541 Redfield Rd, Bel Air, MD
21015 no later than Feb. 28 to be eligible for election in that
year. NOTE: Email nominations are NOT acceptable, nor can a member
nominate more than one member for the Board. When contemplating
nominations, members are urged to consider that the BPA conducts most
of its business by email and needs Board members who are able and
willing to offer their time and skills to the organization in a timely
manner. Board members should be considered more for their ability to
contribute to the running of a successful company than for their
attachment to any particular game or genre. Besides forwarding a
signed nomination for himself/herself, each nominee should submit by March 1 a statement not to exceed 100 words summarizing what they
can contribute in service to the Board of Directors of the BPA. The
nomination form is on line at
DAMCKE WINS AGE OF RENAISSANCE PBeM: Carl Damcke bested a field of 44
to win the latest Age of Renaissance email tournament as the e-mail
version continues to outdraw its WBC counterpart. Carl's Paris played
a steady game and broke into a big lead on Turn 7 with good leaders
and many commodity payouts. Genoa (Thomas Browne) made a strong push
on Turn 8 collecting over $250 in silk but it was too little too late.
A game long feud between London (Ewan McNay) and Barcelona (Mark
Smith) hurt both of their causes and benefited Paris. Venice (Phil
Watkins) came in fifth despite Crusading on Turn 3 and having two
turns as the sole owner of Holy Indulgence. Dan Leader earned 6th
place laurels for the best runner-up performance in the semis. More
details and updated laurel totals are now available at or follow the results from the source at
MECAY TAKES POG TITLE AGAIN: Stefan Mecay, the holder of three WBC
Paths of Glory titles, has matched that performance with an equal number of PBeM crowns with his recent defeat of Nick Anner to take the
5th BPA POG PBeM Tournament. Mecay bested a field of 64 in five rounds
and 14 months as 147 games were logged on ACTS. Rounding out the
laurelists were Mauro Faina of Italy, Dave Dockter, Tom Drueding, and
Nick Frydas. More details and updated laurel totals are now available
MARCH MADNESS: Half of the Sweet Sixteen has been determined with
Daniel Leader still the only coach to get both his teams that close to
the Final Four. To follow the progress of the brackets, see:
GETTYSBURG: After five rounds of the Third Gettysburg PBeM tournament,
36 players have been reduced to two as #6 seed Bill Thomson and #8
seed Mike Pacheco battle it out for the title. In the semi-finals,
Mike Pacheco’s Rebel forces, bidding 5.0, overcame Dan Overland’s
Federals with a 2nd day resignation by the Blue. The results reversed
in the other matchup, with Bill Thomson’s Blue forcing a 2nd day
concession by Ed Menzel’s Grey, who had bid 5.5. Follow the progress
if the event at
All BPA PBeM tournaments require current BPA membership when the
event starts. All multi-day paid attendees to WBC are current BPA
members for the balance of that calendar year. Associate Calendar year
memberships enabling play in all PBeM events starting in that year are
only $10. You need not keep your membership current to finish a PBeM
event. You can upgrade your current membership at any time by
remitting additional funds. See the BPA Terms page for details.
BPA members who would like an email tournament for a particular game
are encouraged to step forward to GM such an event. BPA does not run
tournaments. Rather, we are an organization of gamers lending support
to one another so such events can happen. No one cares as much about
your hobby as you do. Get involved. See the requirements to host a
BPA email tournament at
If you are not already receiving our monthly email newsletters, please
subscribe as directed below as we are unable to add you ourselves. To
receive our free monthly newsletters you MUST join the BPA mailing list
by visiting to
confirm your address and your desire to be on this list. Subscribing
takes only a moment, ensures your privacy, and increases likelihood of
receipt. The newsletter will continue to be posted in the WBC folder in
the Conventions section of Consimworld and on our website but will
otherwise be unavailable to those who do not join the list in this
fashion. If already receiving the BPA News you need take no additional
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