Convention AARs and Centurions
Event Reports

1994 Centurions  

The number of events and participants continued to expand at Avaloncon IV. ASL again led the way and reached its highwater mark with 130 players. However, it was joined in triple digits for the first time as History of the World drew 102. No less than ten defending champs held serve with crowns refusing to budge for Afrkika Korps, Anzio, B-17, Fortress Europa, March Madness, Panzergruppe Guderian, Pax Britannica, Storm Over Arnhem, TV Wars and Up Front. Six double winners emerged: Joe Beard, Terry Coleman, Caleb Cousins, Ken Gutermuth, Phil Rennert, and Bruce Young.

Rob Kilroy was the beneficiary of the first big prize awarded at Avaloncon—free lodging for the next year by winning the Sportsmanship award. It remains the only large monetary award given out at our conference because we mean it when we say Sportsmanship is the biggest honor to be earned at our gaming conferences.

The Team Tournament grew for the fourth year in a row with a new bunch of South Carolinians holding sway with some decidedly un-warlike event choices. It would not be the last time we would hear from/of Randy Cox.


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