empire of the sun   

Updated Nov. 23, 2013

2013 WBC Report  

 2014 Status: pending December 2013 Membership Trial Vote

Antero Kuusi, fi

2013 Champion


Event History
2005    Bob Heinzmann     26
2006     Dennis Culhane       8
2007    Mark Popofsky     10
2008     Dennis Culhane     11
2009    Dennis Culhane       8
2010    Mark Popofsky     20
2011    Antero Kuusi     26
2012    Mark Hodgkinson     24
2013    Antero Kuusi     23


Rank  Name              From  Last  Total
  1.  Dennis Culhane     PA    13     77
  2.  Antero Kuusi       fi    13     68
  3.  Bob Heinzmann      FL    08     48
  4.  Mark Popofsky      DC    10     36
  5.  Paul Gaberson      PA    13     33
  6.  Mark Hodgkinson    bh    12     30
  7.  John Chabonneau    NH    05     24
  8.  Craig Yope         MI    13     21
  9.  Pablo Garcia       ch    10     16
 10.  Steve Campbell     NH    05     16
 11.  Tom Thornsen       NY    12     15
 12.  Dave Casper        CA    05     12
 13.  Mark van Roekel    VA    11      9
 14.  John Leggat        CA    05      8
 15.  Dave Long          NC    13      6
 16.  Matt Ellis         uk    11      6
 17.  Jim Mehl           VA    10      6
 18.  Peter Perla        VA    10      6
 19.  Chris Byrd         CT    07      6
 20.  Michael Sosa       FL    13      4
 21.  Mark Herman        MD    09      4
 22.  Frank McNally      MA    05      4
 23.  Jay Meyers         CA    07      2

2013 Laurelists                                       Repeating Laurelists: 

Dennis Culhane, PA

Paul Gaberson, PA

Dave Long, NC

Michael Sosa, FL

Craig Yope, MI

Past Winners

Bob Heinzmann, FL

Dennis Culhane, PA
2006, 2008-09

Mark Popofsky, DC
2007, 2010

Antero Kuusi, fi
2011, 2013

Mark Hodgkinson,bh

Rob Schoenen vs John Stevens

Peter Perla vs Johnny Wilson

 Paul Gaberson vs Roberto Fournier

 Former champ Antero Kuusi returns from Finland.

Learning with banter ...

One of the best pieces of advice that Don Greenwood ever gave me was to turn EOS into a teaching tournament. So, this story begins one hour before the tournament started with an enthusiastic group of individuals who had wanted to play EOS but had never had the time to learn. Over the years I have developed a decent enough banter on how to play that most of my new friends entered the tournament and went from classroom to war room in 60 minutes. For those who would like to get an idea on how to ease into this title quickly I would recommend this fine review that does a great job of teaching the basics.


The new reinforcements caused a shortage of game sets that was quickly addressed by my veterans getting their copies. I played on a giant tournament set loaned to me by Bill Alderman and away we went.

For those looking to make the plunge, the tournament uses the 3-turn 1943 tournament scenario. As I promise my new recruits each year if you play one round with a veteran you will learn the game. What this has meant for the event is the number of EOS players grows each year with some folks returning the next year.

The 1943 scenario begins just after the Allied conquest of Guadalcanal with the Allies positioned to continue their offensives in the South Pacific. This is counterpoised by the Japanese ability to initiate attacks in the China-Burma-India Theater. What is most exciting for me is there has been a continuous series of staff games on Consimworld and many of my friends that I correspond with all year show up in person to compete for the wood. In fact there is a traditional armistice that is declared each year as all of the major online players are at WBC and have little time for internet gaming.

This year came down to two former world champions, Antero Kuusi of Finland and Dennis Culhane of USA, squaring off again with the Finn getting the upper hand. I look forward to seeing you all again next year in Lancaster.

For those who would like to get some strategy tips for the 1943 scenario from one of the true experts go to:


 Designer Mak Herman and Johnny Hasay enjoy Bill Alderman's big board version.
 GM      Mark Herman [9th year]   NA
   NA   NA

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