empire of the sun   

Updated Nov. 23, 2012

2012 WBC Report  

 2013 Status: pending 2013 GM commitment

Mark Hodgkinson, bn

2012 Champion

Event History
2005    Bob Heinzmann     26
2006     Dennis Culhane       8
2007    Mark Popofsky     10
2008     Dennis Culhane     11
2009    Dennis Culhane       8
2010    Mark Popofsky     20
2011    Antero Kuusi     26
2012    Mark Hodgkinson     24


Rank  Name              From  Last  Total
  1.  Dennis Culhane     PA    12     65
  2.  Antero Kuusi       fn    12     48
  3.  Bob Heinzmann      FL    08     48
  4.  Mark Popofsky      DC    10     36
  5.  Mark Hodgkinson    bn    12     30
  6.  Paul Gaberson      PA    12     25
  7.  John Chabonneau    NH    05     24
  8.  Craig Yope         MI    12     19
  9.  Pablo Garcia       ch    10     16
 10.  Steve Campbell     NH    05     16
 11.  Tom Thornsen       NY    12     15
 12.  Dave Casper        CA    05     12
 13.  Mark van Roekel    VA    11      9
 14.  John Leggat        CA    05      8
 15.  Matt Ellis         uk    11      6
 16.  Jim Mehl           VA    10      6
 17.  Peter Perla        VA    10      6
 18.  Chris Byrd         CT    07      6
 19.  Mark Herman        MD    09      4
 20.  Frank McNally      MA    05      4
 21.  Jay Meyers         CA    07      2

2012 Laurelists                                      Repeating Laurelists: 

Antero Kuusi, fn

Tom Thornsen, NY

Paul Gaberson, PA

Dennis Culhane, PA

Craig Yope, MI

Past Winners

Bob Heinzmann, FL

Dennis Culhane, PA
2006, 2008-09

Mark Popofsky, DC
2007, 2010

Antero Kuusi, fn

Mark Hodgkinson,bn

GM and designer Mark Herman coaches a game Louise Strickland - a rare female entry into the world of CDWs.

Paul Gaberson points out a critical location to Basem Chabaklo who returned from Qatar for his second WBC.

Looking the Devil in the Eye ...

We had another great tournament with 24 players despite some inclement South Pacific weather, with about half of them new entrants who participated in the earlier training demo. I want to thank all of the veterans for taking our new friends under their wing during Round 1.

The real fireworks began in Round 2. Notable performances were turned in by Paul Gaberson, Craig Yope, three-time champ Dennis Culhane, defending champ Antero Kuusi and newcomer Mark Hodgkinson. Mark ultimately prevailed in a late Friday evening Final ('43 scenario) where he won by one VP as the Japanese, although post analysis suggested there may have been some opportunities for the Allies to have addressed this deficit with their last card. This was another example of a well-played game coming down to a 1-point difference. It was a great game but what else would you expect when the titans of Bahrain and Finland meet? Our new champion described it thusly:

"Antero's allies attacked me out of CBI early while I set up island defenses. This was hard as I had six blue cards (reaction cards) and picked up one more blue (reaction) and two yellows (political). My hand was weak. It looked grim but Antero got a bad roll and my counterattack in the next turn took a lot of India back. I am still not sure if attacking out of CBI is safe. I had no chance for a CBI offensive on Turn 1.

Anterio's normal move on card 1 play went into the Marshall's and then deep Island hopping, something I have seen before by David Knole in FtF play. I did manage to cut his fighter support by counter invading places like Nauru (at a cost!). Still, he kept coming and although I barely made POW (progress of war). Anterio is a master player and a gentleman.

The thing I really liked in this game was how we both kept trying to keep momentum and switching attack points by sneaky PBM's (post battle moves).

I was lucky to go into the Final 4-0 and had to forego a place in the HIS and NAPPY semifinals to play. I am glad I did and would have been happy with a place.

I agree about the point on FtF made by Mark Herman. We played real fast. I mean real fast, and it makes a difference."

One lesson that I continue to see reinforced is ftf play is different than Internet plays. Most complicated moves would be hard, but certainly not impossible, to construct over the board with an opponent staring you in the face.

Join me in congratulating Mark as our new WBC champion and to Antero for his continuing high level of play. Both are to be applauded not only for their skill but their dedication in travelling so far to take part in our championships.

Finland's defending champ Antero Kuusi takes it to the Puffing Billy's Bart Pisarik at his first WBC.

Craig Yope continues his campaign to master EOS. Three years has got him to 6th ... next year - serious laurels?

 GM      Mark Herman [8th year]   NA
   NA   NA

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